About me

Somehow I have a connection with young people. As an English teacher at a secondary school I discovered that besides teaching I also liked coaching students in a broader sense. Since 2005 I have supported students as SEN coordinator and counselor both at Lorentz Lyceum and Arnhem International School (now called RISA). Working with young peope gives me energy, especially when I notice that I am gaining their trust and my counselling/coaching has a positive effect.

Patty Tham
Youth coach

Patty Tham Youth coach
In 2016 I decided to start privately, next to my job at school, as a youth coach. Youth coaching can help young people develop life skills and learn how to mange some of the stresses that come along they way. This can include building confidence, setting and achieving goals, managing stress and discussing difficult issues. During my sessions I use a positive approach and focus on short term goals rather than long term goals. When coaching young people, it is essential to have a connection with them. This can only be achieved by having an open mind and showing sincere and genuine interest.

> A short version of my life history