
Feel free to contact me today and find out if I can be of any help.

Making an appointment
I am aware that making an appointment can be difficult and scary especially when you do not know me. Through my experience of working with young people I know one thing for sure: it helps to share your story and talk! I do not judge and respect your privacy. Before we start, we make agreements on confidentiality.
If there is no connection you do not need to continue with me.

I can offer coaching sessions in and around Arnhem and in Ede-Wageningen.
> map

I have no office. I can meet you wherever you would like to. Usually this is at school, or at your home, but anywhere else is possible too.

If the costs (> Youth coaching prices) pose a problem or if you do not want your parents to be involved for now, please contact me and we may find a solution.

Patty Tham beeldmerk

06 28843432