
School related and emotional issues
Throughout the years young people connected to me for many reasons.
They include (but are not limited to):

Schoolrelated issues
• Lack of motivation
• Bad schoolresults
• Indifference
• Fear of failure
• Perfectionism
• Stress

Emotional issues
• Moodswings
• Anger
• Sadness
• Anxieties
• Fears
• Worrying
• Insecurity
• Low self-esteem

Does it sound familiar?
• You do not make sense to yourself anymore and/or others do not understand you
• You feel overwhelmed by obligations and you are under a lot of pressure
• You are stressed, anxious and confused
• People accuse you of being indifferent
• Do you feel it is not enough to be who you are and that you never can do things right
• Have you got a lot of conflicts at home or with your friends?
• Do you feel unhappy?
• Do you lack self-confidence?
• Are you a different person at school than at home and does this make you feel sad or bother you?
• You do not want people to worry about you or are you worried about loved ones?
• Your schoolresults are bad, you want to do better, but can not focus or come into action
• Your room is your sanctuary and you retreat in it more and more, or you do not want to be alone and look for company all the time

Take a first step!
Is something bothering you? Do you feel unhappy, frustrated or sad? Do you feel that you can not take control of your life? It may cost a lot of energy to keep going on. If this is the case you may want to take the first step by contacting me. A lot of young people have experienced a sense of relief just simply by sharing their thoughts and feelings with me.

> Patty Tham coaching
> Youth coaching prices